
Hello, I am Fran, cosplayer from Japan. Since I created the costume of Angel (Tekken2) by myself in 1997, I have been enjoying cosplay as my main hobby and made more than 150 costumes especially heavy and gorgeous ones using fabrics. The costumes I create are not only based on anime or manga but historical patterns and techniques sometimes.

In 2012 I started to make cosplay performance and in 2013 I participated in the World Cosplay Summit (WCS) as the representative of Japan.  Then, in 2014 after some experiences on international stage, I started to collaborate with the Bureau of the WCS as Liaison Officer and am now supporting the communication with overseas event organizers and discussion for the WCS regulations.

In 2023 I became the Japanese Organizer of the World Cosplay Summit.  It’s so exiting to connect people from all over the world through the same hobby.

Apart from cosplay, I’m passionate about :
– Playing the biwa (Japanese lute)
– Theatrical combat (sword, whip)
– Cycling
– Drawing manga

The name of this website is “Flying Cosplayer” because I lived in Japan, USA and Spain for family reason and now am often travelling abroad for my job – consultant of international trade.

My challenge in this world continues … I established Farul Inc., my own company, on 9th April 2021 and started import & export business in addition to the previous business as consultant.

<Main achievements>
– WCS 2013 (Nagoya, Japan) : Representative of Japan
– Hinode 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019 (Moscow, Russia) : Guest judge, paneler and stage performer
– Fenix 2019 (Kazan, Russia) : Guest judge and stage performer
– WCS 2019 (Tokyo, Japan) : Stage performer as WCS alumni
– Fenix 2021 (Kazan, Russia) : Silver prize in defile – group category
– Comics Salon 2021 (Bratislava, Slovakia) : Panel and guest judge
– Shanghai Teck University (Shanghai, China) : (2022) Guest lecturer – online
– World Cosplay Summit 2023 (Nagoya, Japan) : One of the judges at Costume Judging of the WCS 2023 Championship
– Fandom Fest 2023 (Moscow, Russia): Guest judge
– World Cinematic Cosplay Summit 2024 (online) : One of the judges at preselection for the wild card teams

Acta Ludologica vol.5 (Dec.2022)
(Published: Univ. of Ss.Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovak Republic)